ACLU Claims Trump Administration Separated Over 900 Children from Their Families

On July 30th, The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a case in federal court regarding the more than 900 children who have been separated from their families at the U.S. border since June 2018. The filing asks the court to block the Trump Administration’s practice of separating immigrant children from their parents.

Last year, a federal court ruled that family separation at the border must end. However, cases involving a parent who is deemed unfit or presents a danger to the child are exempt under the ruling. In the latest filing, the ACLU argues that U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents are still separating families at the border for minor infractions despite the court order.

According to the filing, “Some of the separations are for offenses that took place many years ago. And some are for mere allegations or arrests without convictions.” The filing also cites another example where three sisters were separated from their father due to his HIV-positive status.

This new filing will be the next battleground in the fight to end family separation, and our attorneys will be monitoring the outcome closely because of the potential impact it can have on U.S. immigration policy. We understand how complicated the immigration system has become under the Trump administration, which is why our team at Klinke Immigration, LLC is here answer all of your questions and guide you through the legal process.

To set up a case consultation with one of our immigration lawyers, call (678) 713-4255 today.