Trump Announces New Immigration Priorities

In May, President Trump announced a new immigration policy that will prioritize employment and skills-based immigration over family-based immigration. Under the administration’s new plan, high-skilled immigrants like scientists and engineers will now have priority over visa applicants who have been sponsored by family living the U.S.

The White House says the latest immigration plan will utilize a “points-based system” that takes into account the following things when reviewing applications for visas and citizenship:

  • Age
  • English proficiency
  • Offer of employment or commitment to creating jobs in the U.S.
  • Education and vocational certifications

Each of the points listed above will outweigh whether an applicant is sponsored by family in the United States. Before the announcement, having family already in the country was a crucial part of completing the application for citizenship.

According to one senior official in the Trump administration, the goal of the new proposal is to “change the composition of who is coming through.”

Despite the new plan, the administration hasn’t said a word about what it plans to do about the 11 million undocumented immigrants already in the country. The plan also fails to address the nearly 3.6 million “Dreamers” who were brought across the border with their parent as minors.

The plan to prioritize employment and skills-based immigration over family-based immigration was spearheaded by President Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner. Much like other immigration policies and priorities previously announced by this administration, there is no clear timeline for implementation or process for how these proposals would actually work if approved.

Our Marietta Immigration Lawyers Are Here to Assist You

At Klinke Immigration, LLC, our dedicated team of seasoned legal professionals is here to defend the rights of our clients and fight for their American Dream. Our lawyers are familiar with the unique challenges immigrants and their loved ones face when they come to the United States, which is why we will guide you through the entire legal process to make sure all of your interests are fully protected.

Stop by our law office today or call (678) 713-4255 to schedule your consultation so we can review the details of your case.