April is Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Awareness Month

When someone is a victim of sexual assault or abuse, there are nearly no areas of that person’s life that are untouched. Daily routines are charged with memories, friends, and family can turn into adversaries, love, and affection are tainted with suspicion.

Imagine how difficult life would be if you were a victim here in the United States, but you didn’t have any legal immigration status. In addition to all the emotional and physical scars, you constantly wonder if you’ll be torn from your life here and sent thousands of miles away.

One of the most rewarding aspects of my job is alleviating my clients’ immigration worries. Every case is stressful, but when working with a victim of assault or abuse, every bit of relief has to be exponentially helpful. When that burden is lifted, life can go on because with legalized immigration status comes the ability to work and the ability to drive – two things necessary for regaining independence.

Sexual assault victims may qualify for a U visa or for VAWA. Child abuse victims may qualify for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, a U visa or VAWA, and their parents may also be able to seek immigration status depending on the situation.

We understand the sensitivity that these cases require. Sadly, my family has been impacted by abuse and assault as well, so I know the personal struggles that are involved in these traumatic cases. We treat you with respect, with compassion, and as the person, you are and deserve to be.

– Tracie