Miroslava Lopez Luna
Case Clerk
About Miro
Hi there! My name is Miroslava Lopez Luna. I hold the Case Clerk position at Hope Immigration. My role will provide additional support to our entire team. I was born in Mexico City and immigrated to the U.S. with my mom and dad when I was one. I was raised in Dalton, Georgia, and have grown to love Southern culture.
I gravitated towards immigration work because I feel connected to our experiences with immigration in the United States. I can't begin to describe my immense respect for our community. As immigrants, we go through hardships—emotionally and physically. From not seeing loved ones for many years to constantly hearing hurtful news portrayed in the media about us, we always rise through the worst and continue to flourish.
I had the privilege of receiving my Bachelor of Arts from Berry College where I focused my knowledge on learning Latin American history—exploring the world of philosophy, and learning how I could use my talents to make the world a better place. In my free time, you can find me coloring on my sofa watching reality TV, spending quality time with my loved ones, listening to podcasts or audiobooks, dancing, and singing really badly.
I am so happy to be a part of the team and to play a role in providing our community opportunities, support, and comfort.